Sara Hill: Membership Coordinator
Each month more and more cyclists in Colorado Springs have either renewed their membership or have become new members of the Colorado Spring Cycling Club (CSCC). To become a member of the Club, annual dues for an individual membership are $21, and for a family membership, the annual dues are $28. Membership not only provides you with the opportunity to participate in our many biking and social activities, but also enables you to be covered by the Club’s insurance while participating in a Club sanctioned activity.
Note that signing up on Meetup is not the same as becoming a member of the Colorado Springs Cycling Club. Meetup enables those on the Meetup list to view and receive notices about the Club’s calendar of events. But, being on Meetup does not enable the insurance coverage and does not enable attending certain Club events throughout the year. Please pass this update along to anyone who might be on Meetup but has not yet joined the Club.
With the new website support, renewal notices will be emailed automatically, including grace period notices. Additionally, when logging into the website, notification of dues will automatically pop up starting in the renewal month. Membership is automatically dropped 60 days after renewal date if the dues are still unpaid. Further, renewal notices are mailed once a month, as are past due notices.
(1) Family memberships are eligible for two adult online logins. With each login, members can comment on the message boards or respond to surveys independently. If you wish to have a second adult login, please contact Membership at Click on the “Join” button on the website homepage. Provide the following information: Name on membership account, secondary member's name and email along with a preferred username. If you have a preference for billing identity, indicate this as well.
(2) Has your personal information changed? Don't forget you can update your mailing address, phone numbers and email at any time by logging into the membership area and clicking the "Change Contact/Profile Information" link under Member Information. You can even change your username.
(3) You can check your membership payment status online - and pay online as well.
If you have questions regarding membership, please contact Sara Hill, Membership Coordinator.