Welcome to the first edition of 2019 for the Bent Fork Chronicles. We’re now into our second year of publishing on the new website and continue to be thankful for the improvement in the publication process. We hope that you continue to enjoy reading this downloadable and printable format. If you have suggestions for improvement in either the format or the content, please let us know. Just send a note to newsletter@bikesprings.org to get your ideas and suggestions to us.
Remember that you’ll be able to simply print the PDF file and read the newsletter offline at your leisure!
As with previous issues over the years since Sharon and Dale have been the Bent Fork Editors (that’s since October 2010), we’ve continued to provide a variety of articles that we believe will interest Club members and cyclists in the Colorado Springs community. These include:
Prez Says updates and comments
Summaries of Club events and rides
Introduction to Gravel Rides
Travelogues from Club members
Interesting articles about cycling and cycling safety
Membership updates, and
Cycling Thoughts to Ponder
Take a look at what we’ve provided for you with this 1Q2019 edition. Let us know if you have any suggestions for improvement. In the meantime, we’ll continue to investigate various publication techniques to better improve the appearance and content of the Bent Fork!
Sharon Boyd & Dale Campbell
Bent Fork Co-Editors